Press Kit

Nancy Bos

Nancy E Bos

🎤 Inspirational and Transformational Speaker 🌟 Voice/Fear Researcher, Award-Winning Author, World Traveler 🌟

I help people to lead lives of boundless fulfillment by unlocking the power of their authentic voice.

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Nancy’s Media Bio

Nancy Bos, a distinguished voice and performance expert and the innovative founder and CEO of StudioBos Media, specializes in empowering individuals to conquer their fears of vocal expression. Whether it's overcoming stage fright, speaking up in meetings, or asserting themselves in personal interactions, Nancy's expertise lies in unlocking the full potential of one’s voice by addressing the subconscious saboteurs that inhibit confidence.

With a rich background of over 25,000 hours working with clients, Nancy has cultivated a deep understanding of the profound impact subconscious narratives have on vocal and personal success. Her own transformative journey in overcoming severe stage fright reshaped her career and fueled her passion for helping others find their voice. Through StudioBos Media, she offers a holistic approach to voice empowerment, encompassing books, articles, podcasts, events, and more.

Nancy Bos's founding of the Confidence Alliance marks a transformative milestone in personal development. This pioneering organization is set to profoundly impact lives through a unique combination of research-based methods, insightful interviews, and dynamic online group interactions, enhanced by strong community support. The Confidence Alliance represents more than a program; it's a movement geared towards revolutionizing individual self-confidence and empowerment, highlighting Nancy's significant influence in the realm of personal growth and development.

Nancy is the author of several best-selling books, including:

  • Singing Through Change: Women’s Voices in Midlife, Menopause, and Beyond

  • The Teen Girl’s Singing Guide

  • Singing 101: Vocal Basics and Fundamental Singing Skills

As a respected thought leader, Nancy frequently shares her expertise at international conferences, such as the ICVT in Vienna. She has also been a featured presenter at five conferences hosted by the National Association of Teachers of Singing. Her insights have reached a broad audience through appearances on public radio station KUNM, KOB-TV, The KevinMD podcast, The Intelligent Vocalist podcast, and many others.

Her highly impactful 2022 TEDx talk, The Power of Owning Your Narrative, further showcases her commitment to empowering individuals. She continues to engage and inspire through her "Empower Your Voice" podcast, where she delves into various aspects of vocal performance and confidence.

Through her multifaceted approach and dedication to empowerment, Nancy Bos stands as a guiding light for those seeking to find and refine their voice in both personal and professional realms.

Nancy’s Media Bio for Menopause and Voice

Nancy Bos, a renowned voice and performance expert and the visionary founder of StudioBos Media, is a trailblazer in empowering women, particularly through the transformative stages of menopause. Her pioneering work in understanding and vocalizing the holistic impact of menopause on women's voices has positioned her as a leading authority in the field.

With an impressive foundation of over 25,000 hours of client engagement, Nancy's journey into this niche area was spurred by her own experiences with perimenopause. As a professional singer, voice teacher, and vocologist, she recognized the significant, yet often overlooked, impact of menopause on vocal performance. This realization led her to co-author the groundbreaking book, Singing Through Change: Women’s Voices in Midlife, Menopause, and Beyond, filling a critical gap in resources and research on the topic. Her dedication to this cause is further exemplified by her founding of the Confidence Alliance, an initiative focused on bolstering confidence through these life transitions.

In addition to her specialized focus on menopause, Nancy is a leading figure in tackling the broader challenges of fear and anxiety. Her expertise extends to helping individuals overcome fears related to stage fright, public speaking, and personal expression, by addressing subconscious barriers to success. Her approach, developed through years of teaching and personal experience, including her own battle with severe stage fright, has transformed countless lives.

Nancy is also the author of several of other best-selling books, such as: The Teen Girl’s Singing Guide, and Singing 101: Vocal Basics and Fundamental Singing Skills,  further cementing her status as a thought leader in voice and performance training.

A sought-after speaker, Nancy has shared her insights at prestigious platforms like the International Conference of Voice Teachers in Vienna and multiple conferences held by the National Association of Teachers of Singing. Her media appearances on KUNM (NPR), KOB-TV, and various podcasts, alongside her impactful 2022 TEDx talk, The Power of Owning Your Narrative, have broadened her influence. Additionally, she engages with a wider audience through her podcast, "Empower Your Voice," where she continues to inspire and educate.

Nancy Bos's unique blend of personal experience, professional expertise, and commitment to empowering voices at every stage of life makes her a formidable figure in the world of voice and performance coaching.

Alternate Bios

Nancy’s bio page has her bio in a variety of lengths and specializations to fit your event needs.

2023 - UK Speech Language Therapists (Online), Shine In Essence (Amsterdam, Netherlands), Stellenbosch University (Cape Town, South Africa), Education 2.0 (Las Vegas, NV), NATS (San Diego, CA), The Source (Albuquerque, NM), Sweet Adelines International (Albuquerque, NM)

2022 - Women of Intermedia (Online), TEDx (Albuquerque, NM), International Congress of Voice Teachers (Vienna, Austria) and more

Speaking Experience

Speaker’s Sheet

This downloadable PDF of Nancy’s Speaker Sheet is designed to help event planners and conference organizers find the information needed in one place.

Social Media Links

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